bottle gourd or lauki juice

Top 6 Benefits of Drinking Bottle Gourd (Lauki) Juice

Green veggies are known as the powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients. Bottle gourd is one of them, which is also called lauki. It has 96 to 98 percent of the water, that helps you deal with heat. Bottle Gourd quenches thirst and helps in preventing fatigue. It is also beneficial for stomach troubles like acidity and constipation. Bottle gourd possesses a high amount of Vitamin A, C, B, and Folic acid.

Bottle Gourd, has many health benefits, few of them are:

bottle gourd or lauki juice benefits

Cools your Body

Bottle gourd juice helps to cool your body from within and keeps you hydrated mainly in summers. It offers a cooling effect on your stomach and lessens body heat. Summer sweats profusely, so you need to drink bottle gourd juice regularly. It helps in replenishing the water loss in the body. 

Promotes Weight Loss

Bottle gourd juice promotes weight loss as it is lower in calories and fats. It holds a lot of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that help to keep you full for longer and restrain unnecessary hunger. It can do wonder to your body if you consume on an empty stomach in the morning.

Treats Stomach Troubles

Bottle gourd juice helps in treating constipation and also heals diarrhea. Due to the high amount of water and fiber content, it is excellent for digestion.

Promotes Healthy Heart

When intake the juice of bottle gourd regularly on an empty stomach every morning, helps in preventing the risk of heart infirmities. Besides this, it also lowers blood pressure.

Stress Reliever

Bottle gourd holds a much amount of choline – a type of neurotransmitter that helps in improving the brain functions and therefore helps in preventing stress, depression, and other mental disturbances. 

Treats Urinary Tract Infections

Drinking freshly squeezed juice of bottle gourd along with some lime juice is one of the best home treatments to deal with urinary tract infections.

Bottle gourd is excellent for a healthy mind and body. Allow it in your lifestyle to see the difference. Besides health, bottle gourd has lots of beauty benefits.


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