hibiscus flower for skin and hair care

Benefits of Using Hibiscus Flower for Skin and Hair

Red vibrant Hibiscus flower is a pleasant treat for the eyes when it blooms. It looks not only beautiful but also holds lots of benefits. It is rich in many natural qualities that have offered a lot to us over the ages, mainly for hair and skin-care.

Benefits of Hibiscus for skin and hair:

hibiscus for skin and hair care

Treats Skin diseases

Hibiscus loaded with an antioxidant property that can heal acne, dark circles, suntan, and certain skin diseases like itching, burning, and also redness of the skin. Hibiscus is also beneficial for enhancing skin tone, checking wrinkles, and tightening the skin. According to several kinds of research, Hibiscus helps in healing the wound.

Great Cleanser

Hibiscus works as a great cleanser because of having surfactants called saponins in it that help to clean your skin naturally. Besides cleansing, it also sheds dead skin cells. It buffs away a dull skin complexion and gives fresh, brighter, and illuminating skin.

Excellent Exfoliator

Hibiscus is an excellent exfoliator due to the organic acid present in it that helps to slough off the dead cells from your skin. It helps to lighten, and revive your facial complexion in no time.

Natural Moisturizer

Hibiscus owns mucilage, a sticky substance that acts as an excellent natural skin moisturizer. The natural moisturizing properties of Hibiscus help to give smooth, supple, and radiant skin.

Hibiscus Tea

It’s a great drink that helps to reduce the blood sugar level and control high BP and dropped that excess flab as well. As it is rich with antioxidants, this drink makes your skin younger and also glowing.
red hibiscus for skin and hair

Hair Growth

Scientifically it is proven that hibiscus leaves promote hair growth. It is one of the most prominent herbs applied for hair growth. Grind some leaves of Hibiscus and use it on your hair roots to promote hair growth. Besides this, for making hair regrowth oil, take few leaves of Hibiscus and soak it into coconut oil or castor oil. Then leave it for 3 to 6 weeks in a cool shady place. Then strain the oil and it is ready to use.

Premature Graying

Hibiscus prevents premature graying of hair. The vitamins and antioxidants found in Hibiscus produce melanin, the pigment that occurs naturally and gives natural hair color. Unhealthy hair of brownish tinge that happens when your hair is much exposure to the sunlight Hibiscus flower is essential for this kind of hair.

Natural Conditioner

Both Hibiscus flowers and leaves hold mucilage in high amounts, which works as a natural conditioner. It turns dull and dry hair to smooth and shiny hair.

Dandruff and Itchy Scalp

Hibiscus has anti-dandruff properties that eliminate dandruff and itchiness from the scalp. Hibiscus leaves help in maintaining the pH balance of hair and provides cooling and soothing effect to your scalp.


Hibiscus is a natural solution to cure baldness. Hibiscus supplements hair protein that prevents hair fall and helps to get stronger and thicker hair. According to several studies, uses of Hibiscus flower and leaves can heal dormant hair follicles and bald patches completely.

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