Yoga Asanas Reduce Belly Fat
Fitness Yoga

Top 5 Effective Yoga Asanas or Postures to Reduce Belly Fat

An unwanted flabby tummy is liable to an unhealthy lifestyle, indulgence in junk food, lack of exercises, and high-stress levels. Proper diet and periodic exercises can positively reduce the fat to a higher level. Recent studies have shown that even 15 minutes of exercise per day can efficiently burn fat and improves your immunity, strength, and metabolism also. Yoga tops the list as it not only helps in reducing the belly fat but also allows you to control your body and mind. So, do yoga regularly and take out its benefits fully.

Here is the top five yoga asanas and its benefits are given below:

Marjariasana or Cat-Cow Pose

Yoga Asanas Reduce Belly Fat - Marjariasana-or-Cat-Cow-PoseCat cow pose is a great yoga pose that helps to tone the abdominal muscles and it does not require much effort to perform. So, it is excellent for beginners too.

How to do

  • Start on your hands and knees by keeping the hands directly under the shoulders and the knees are set directly under your hips.
  • Now hold the spine straight and neck in the neutral position.
  • Inhale and drop the belly down, lift the neck to look toward the ceiling.
  • As you exhale, try to round the back and drop the head toward your belly button but don’t force your chin to your chest.


  • Strengthens and stretches the spine and neck
  • Gives a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs
  • Improves posture and stability
  • Stretches the hips, abdomen, and back
  • It also eases stress and soothes the mind.

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

The cobra pose is a simple but effective yoga pose and it positively strengthens and stretches the stomach too.

How to do

Yoga Asanas Reduce Belly Fat - Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

  • Lie on stomach and smoothly place your forehead on the ground.
  • Keep your hands beneath the shoulders.
  • Use your belly and back muscles to raise your body off the floor.
  • Stretch the neck while looking at the ceiling and lift your hips about 2-3 inches off the floor.


  • It will help keep your dorsal spine healthy and flexible
  • Strengthens the arms and shoulders
  • Improves menstrual irregularities
  • Elevates mood
  • Stimulates the heart
  • Firms and tones the buttocks.

Naukasana or Boat Pose

Yoga Asanas Reduce Belly Fat - Naukasana or Boat Pose
This pose is one of the best yoga poses to reduce belly fat.

How to Do

  • Start with a seated position on a soft surface
  • Raise your legs straight in the air
  • Grab your toes with your hands so that the body makes a V- shape.
  • Try to straighten up the legs as much as you can for a better stretch.
  • Let the weight of your body rest completely on the buttocks. Make sure your eyes, finger, and toes are all in the same line.
  • Breathe normally and hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Then exhale deeply and smoothly as you bring the body down to the starting position and relax.
  • You can perform 3-4 repetitions daily and rest for 15 seconds after each repetition.


  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles and helps eliminate belly fat
  • Improves the health of digestive organs
  • Strengthens arms, thighs, and joints

Dhanurasana or Bow Pose

Yoga Asanas Reduce Belly Fat - Naukasana or Boat Pose
Another yoga pose that will help you in reducing the belly fat is bow pose.

How to do

  • Firstly, lie on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by the side of your body.
  • Then fold your knees, take your hands backward and hold your ankles.
  • Breathing in, lift your chest off the ground and pick your legs up and back.
  • Look straight forward and proceed to take long deep breaths as you relax in this pose. But bend only as far as your body allows you to.
  • After 15 -20 seconds, as you exhale, mildly bring your legs and chest to the ground.
  • Lastly, release the ankles and relax.


  • Strengthens the spine and abdominal muscles
  • Stimulates the reproductive glands
  • Opens up the chest, neck, and arms
  • Tones the leg and adds greater flexibility to the back
  • Get rid of stress and fatigue easily
  • Eases menstrual discomfort and constipation
  • It also helps people with kidney diseases

Apanasana or Wind Release Pose

Yoga Asanas Reduce Belly Fat - Naukasana or Boat Pose
This marvelous yoga pose can help you feel slimmer quickly. It proffers you relief from bloating and also melt away fat from the stomach and lower back.

How to do

  • Lie down on a mat and inhale.
  • Now, while exhaling, pull your knees to your chest.
  • Then stay in the pose for about 15 seconds
  • Finally, slowly move your knees from side to side to maximize the stretch.


  • This is the best pose to relieve gas
  • Stretches the body and relieves tension in the lower back
  • Massage the abdominal organs and increases blood circulation
  • Reduces bloating and lessen hip fat and also relaxes the mind and body

Yoga is very helpful for us because it provides health, joy, and peace. It helps in weight loss and also remains healthy. Yoga helps lower blood pressure, improves blood circulation, and it helps with insomnia, especially by relaxation. In brief, yoga makes you feel better. Therefore, practice yoga and reduce your belly fat in a natural way.

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